Materials and gestures

We play with matter and gestures. We play with Tuscan cuisine, in all its hidden and ancient recesses, working with fresh pastas, carne d’ocio, all the elements of the fifth quarter, soups, and forgotten desserts.

Raw materials have their own voice, after all, and even speak for themselves, but combined with the gestures that can transform them they become their own apotheosis. The aesthetics that come from matter and gesture are enough for us, and so we do not need to go after aesthetic ideas such as the plate as space. The plate is only a support. If I could I would feed you on a slice of bread as they did in the year one thousand, and let’s face it, how would you see little flowers on a slice of bread-plate? As a symptom of severe famine? As an apotropaic complement?

Our playing leads us to have to experiment, to renew our amazement at what we are doing each time, and so we are constantly changing our menu. Also an instrument of play between us and you.

Fresh goose egg pasta

Freshly rolled noodles

Fresh pasta, it is matter and gesture beyond all common sense, beyond all expectation, especially that made on the day and with eggs from our oci and hens, served dry and in broth, pulled and stuffed.
Flours range from 0 to whole wheat, through spelt, chickpea, and chestnut.
Stuffed pastas are filled with organic vegetables from our garden, supplemented by those from neighboring farms, strictly in season or with fillings of goose, beef, chicken, pork and high-quality Tuscan cheeses. The tagliatelle, gnocci, maltagliati, pici, and lasagna are all made with the extraordinary Vivo d’Orcia water, the queen of Amiata beers, which comes to us directly from Amiata via aqueduct. The rice comes from the nearby paddy fields of Ponte a Macereto.

Sample recipes:

Cappelletti in broth
  • Cappelletti galeotti with lampredotto
  • Guinea fowl and radicchio risotto
  • Goose Maltagliati
  • Artichoke Ravioli
  • Black cabbage ravioli
  • Eggplant Ravioli
  • Crepe cannelloni


Meat d’ocio is one of the leading themes of our restaurant, but we give great importance to the fifth quarter of beef, goose and pork, game from our game reserve and the excellent pigs from the Montagnola Senese, Cinta Senese and Grigio in particular. Choosing free-range farms is important to us, first because of the way the animals live and are treated, with the same care and respect that we use with our own, and secondly, because of the wholesomeness of the meat from animals fed natural foods and not subjected to indiscriminate antibiotic treatments or nutritional regimens that are against the nature of the animals themselves. This is how we raise our geese, grazing in our vineyards, without forcing their nutrition, without forcing their seasonal rhythms.

Sample recipes:

  • fornacini peposo
  • leg of ocio in wine sauce
  • sweet and strong capocollo
  • pheasant with Sangiovese
  • stuffed ocio neck
  • stuffed goose
  • tripe cacciucci

Our bread

Every day we make our own bread. With patience and dedication we create loaves of bread, sandwiches, crackers, breadsticks and more, flour creations that help make every dinner at L’Ocio Giulivo a new and intriguing experience.

Vegetables from the garden

The gesture is also there in the garden. And there is! It is a gesture steeped in fatigue and back pain. We try to offer you produce from our garden according to the season. We are increasingly expanding our horticultural production to consistently provide seasonal vegetables for recipes. Meanwhile, we make up for what we still lack by buying fruits and vegetables from nearby organic farms.

Sample recipes:

  • ribollita and a thousand other soups
  • pumpkin gnudi

Lean Cuisine

Squid ink spaghetti

It is not just fish, it is not just vegetarian, it is the traditional cooking that was used for Friday and Lent. We are not interested in the religious aspect but in the traditional aspect, and the taste certainly does not suffer! The main ingredients are cod in its myriad culinary gestures, blue fish, and legumes.

Game or venison as it may be.

Vacuum-packed wild boar ribs

Cavaglioni is also a wildlife farm of about 400 hectares. One of the environmental and hunting jewels of the province of Siena. The game we serve-when there is any-is that which comes from hunting on our territory. The pheasant, wild boar, roe deer, occasional migratory birds and a few rare hares that live and proliferate with us because they are hunted in balance with the needs of the environment, protected from the wild hunting and neglect that make the surrounding territories a kind of desert of animal life.
Even the act of hunting, in fact, deserves respect, in its being living and caring for an area, if operated with true respect.

The Natural Wines

To accompany the dishes we have a list of our Natural Wines of Tuscany , produced both at Fattoria di Cavaglioni (mainly whites and sparkling wines made from trebbiano and pulcinculo) and at Palazzo di Piero (mainly reds and rosés made from sangiovese).

Cari amici, L'Ocio Giulivo chiude per ferie e lavori. Fino a metà dicembre 2024 accetteremo prenotazioni per eventi per un minimo di 20pp. Riapriremo regolarmente sabato 1 marzo 2025!

Tenetevi pronti per una nuova stagione di piatti e vini che fanno del nostro lavoro un piacere da condividere con voi! Buone feste a tutti voi!