
Wine Shop and Direct Sales

Natural Wines of Tuscany

Introducing our wine shop, direct sales and winebar, which, not to be missed, also serves as the entrance to our restaurant, L’Ocio Giulivo!

You can call and book a tasting or winery visit to purchase our natural wines and extra virgin olive oil. Then there are the tastings during dinner.

Wine Tastings at Dinner // Wine Tastings at Dinner

  • Tasting 3 wines // Wine Tasting with 3 wines € 15
  • Tasting 4 wines // Wine Tasting with 4 wines € 18
  • Tasting 5 wines // Wine Tasting with 5 wines € 20
  • Red route tasting // Red wines wine tasting € 18
  • Rosé and sparkling wines route tasting // Rosé and sparkling wines tasting € 15